WebDev. Full Stack.

I like building modern websites with discrete frontends and APIs. Wordpress is a client-favorite API with a low learning curve. I recommend Directus when possible. Next.js (and the React ecosystem) is the generally-preferred frontend for large projects. I like to use SvelteKit where possible. The most important thing is realizing the project. Whichever tools/ecosystems/languages are needed, I'm excited to dig in.

For each of my solo-clients, I manage the full stack (backend, frontend, database, backups). My preferred stack is generally LEMP, but I'm preferring Caddy in lieu of Nginx lately (LCMP?). I try to containerize with Docker as much as possible to keep projects unified and recreatable.

Aside from web development, I'm interested in: app development, home automation, 3D printing, soldering (arduinos, drones, speakers, etc.), woodworking, and audio engineering.